Earning a standing ovation.

Event scheduling is just one of many tools that lets you plan, execute, and process events in seconds. Seriously.

You have unique event scheduling needs, we get it.

Let's talk to discuss how SubItUp can help.
Tell us a bit about you and let's jump on a call together.

Create, clone, and
recreate complex events.

Once you create your first event in SubItUp, you can use that event template - including the required staff, budget, and tasks - to build a new event in seconds.

Tell staff what you
need and take a break.

Create the shifts you need and send a survey to find what staff can work - not what they want to work. Then, automate your schedule with fewer changes to make later.

Manage staff, budgets, timecards, and messaging in one place.

SubItUp helps you see total labor costs, who's clocked in and out, the staff you have working and lets you text, email, or message them in the app.

Manage all venues,
fields, and theaters
without conflict.

SubItUp keeps you organized even with multiple venues and locations, and different positions and managers tied to each, so you can schedule with ease and without conflict.

For when the game
goes into overtime.

Sports have overtime. Shows have an encore. SubItUp takes your settings and auto-reconciles their timecard to their shift, alerting you on overages. Once it's reconciled it's ready for you in our payroll report.

Trusted by youth leagues, teams
and venues across the country.

Texas A&M - College Station, TX

Closing the curtain on one
dimensional scheduling tools.

Click-and-drag to see all the teams that use SubItUp in your world.
Find more details, like the tools built for that team, by clicking on a pin point.


"SubItUp's event calendar lets us see who's working and when, and it doesn't let you double book people. It's impossible! That feature alone has been a huge step in the right direction for us."

Ryan, Race Day Events

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